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Angelic Reiki is a natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of healing and consciousness expansion. It is one of the most powerful systems of healing available at this time.

Angelic Reiki works at a Soul level, treating the cause of any condition, promoting very deep healing and transformation. During a treatment, both practitioner and recipient are connected to pure divine energy through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This allows very high vibrational energies of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers to work to help release physical, ancestral, emotional and karmic imbalances across all time.


​Between October 2002 and February 2003, Archangel Metatron channelled the complete system of healing, that is now known as Angelic Reiki to Kevin Core - a British angelic healer, counsellor and inspirational spiritual teacher.


​Here are the main differences between Angelic Reiki and other forms of Reiki.
“Angelic Reiki shares the characteristics of traditional Reiki in as much as it is a hands-on practice with the option of self-healing and distance treatments. Although it uses symbols common to other Reiki systems, the healing power of the Angelic Vibration sets it apart. This Divine Vibration attunes both the healer and client to their Soul energy, raising consciousness and reawakening an awareness of what it is to be a divine being, whole and healthy and living in joy.” This is who we truly are.


There are no known contraindications or areas of caution. Angelic Reiki is, therefore, suitable for anyone, of any age, and any condition can benefit from treatments. Males, females, children, babies, pregnant women and animals can safely receive Angelic Reiki alongside conventional healthcare and any other complementary therapy.


​Treatments are conducted in a tranquil, safe and supportive environment and usually last around an hour and a half.  Healing often commences when you book an appointment. During the session I will create a healing vortex and place my hands gently on your body. Healing energy that is perfect in its conception and transmission is accessed by me through the Angelic Kingdom of Light and channelled to you from a neutral space. This means that the ego or my personal expectations will have no effect on the outcome of the healing. You will receive exactly what you need for your highest good at that particular time.


       Benefits of Angelic Reiki

  • Awakening your being and connect you to your dharma, life purpose

  • Achieving peace and balance

  • Helping to relieve stress

  • Increasing energy levels and motivation

  • Gaining clarity with your personal and work life

  • Aiding better sleep

  • Relieving chronic problems including insomnia, anxiety, and headaches

  • Bringing peace and comfort in aiding transition for the dying

  • Recovery from accidents, operations and trauma (working alongside other treatments - please note that Angelic Reiki is not a replacement of medical treatment)

  • Calming babies and children

  • Improving intuition and creativity

  • Improving your emotional health and happiness

  • Easing pain from injuries and arthritis

  • Achieving success and happiness

Angelic Reiki is a registered company

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