Flower Essences are gentle remedies made from the life force of flowering plants and trees. They were first prepared in England by Dr. Edward Bach in the late 1920’s. Drawing inspiration from Dr. Bach’s work, many other people started making their own flower, gem and environmental essences, mainly in the mid 80’s.
Flower Essences are a very natural and safe way of healing. They have no side effects and can easily be integrated into any program of care as they do not interfere with other forms of treatments.
The Alaskan Essences, Inc. is the only essence company in the world that has designed a system of vibrational healing based on the co-creative relationship that exists between the plant, mineral, and elemental kingdoms. This threefold system derives its effectiveness from the special qualities of healing energy that each kingdom has to offer, and from the synergy that is created when these essences are used together. Following is a brief introduction to the three different types of essences in our system.
Flower Essences - The plant kingdom occupies the central role in this co-creative relationship, bringing the gift of spiritual consciousness to the earth. Essences made from flowers awaken dormant qualities of consciousness within us and stimulate the release of blockages that prevent us from fully integrating this higher consciousness into our daily lives. They enable us to live our lives with increased awareness and understanding.
Gem Elixirs - The mineral kingdom helps us fully anchor and embody changes in consciousness that are catalysed by the use of flower essences. Just as the rocks and soil of this planet provide structure and stability for the growth of the plant kingdom, gem elixirs stabilise and restructure our energy systems so that our physical bodies can maintain their balance as the consciousness within us grows and expands.
Environmental Essences - The gift of the elemental kingdom is energy for change. The environment, through the elements of air, earth, fire, and water, supplies vital nourishment for all living things. Essences made from the environment provide the potent qualities of energy we need to create and sustain change at the core level of our beings.
Use Flower Essences for:
spiritual insight and development
inner growth, better understanding of your own life
understanding your emotions and thoughts, giving inner balance and peace
insight in problems and difficulties, being able to handle them or letting go
Whenever emotions or thoughts are out of balance, flower essences can be helpful. For example if you have a certain fear, then you actually have a lack of courage etc. Flower essences can help you get insight in the underlying reason for the fear and they will help you increase your courage.